Cupid's Photo

Cupid- According to
Webster's dictionary ... Rom. Myth. The god of love
--n.{c-} a representation of Cupid as a winged boy with bow and
Sadly, our beloved male Chinese Water Dragon lizard Cupid passed away suddenly
on the morning of January 26th, 2000. We miss him terribly, but I'll keep his page and the story of his rescue up for you to read.
As you will likely see and read below
Cupid, a mature male water dragon lizard came to us with quite severe snout damage, and while there was no
infection at the time of his arrival, a fall from the top shelf in the vivarium
in Dec. 1998 started an infection in his front lower jaw that we treated for
all of 1999. He had just been declared 100% healthy in mid Dec. 1999 by our reptile veterinarian, and he was
eating better than he ever had for us, and looking absolutely gorgeous.
However, in that last week of January he took
a sudden turn and after three days of not doing very well and us not being able
to secure a reptile vet appointment
for him (although we did draw some blood and took it to the vets for testing
when we couldn't get fit in for an appt.), we awoke to him not looking very
well at all on the morning of Jan. 26th and he passed away in the car on the
way to an emergency vet appt.. Our vet decided to do an autopsy (necroscopy) in
order to find out why he had died. So far (Feb. 18th) no definitive results
have come back from the pathologists office. His organs appeared to be quite
healthy and he had a nice fat layer (but not overly fat and no fatty liver
disease). We thought perhaps after being on antibiotics for almost a year in
total that his kidneys had been damaged and failed but his kidneys were fine.
We are very puzzled and very saddened by his passing. Puff is our remaining
dragon now. May she be the magic dragon.
I didn't name him. Our first Male water dragon came to us in
June '97 already named, but his name certainly suited him! He had been living
the bachelor life as a single male dragon in Ithica New York for approximately
one and a half years ... then he came to live with us ... and if Cupid doesn't
mind me speaking for him, he was absolutely thrilled to see that he would be
living with 4 female dragons! (Hubba hubba! Bob, bob, bob, bob, tail twitch and
the chase was on!)

Vital Statistics
- Name: Cupid
Sex: Male
I'm in Canada and Cupid was
shipped to us by air by a friend in New York. On the day that he was sent he
was packed into a shipping container at approx. 6 am. He then took two airplane
flights to get to Toronto and arrived in the cargo pick up area at approx. 4
pm. I arrived at the airport at approx. 4:30 pm, but between filling out
paperwork and then waiting for my husband to come and pick us up we didn't
start on our way home until about 6:30 pm. Cupid had been boxed up all this
time- 12.5 hours!
I felt sorry for the poor water dragon
and opened up his box in the car and while leaving him in his pillow case let
him sit on my lap for the remainder of the ride home. During the ride I took
the opportunity to feel his alien male dragon body- remember the rest of my
dragons are female! I can tell you that a male feels and looks quite different
from a female! His head is huge! 2.5 inches across from jaw to jaw, much of
that being the fleshy jowls! (My largest female Chinese Water Dragon head is only about 1 inch long jaw
to jaw) His head is approximately 1.5 inches in length from snout to parietal
eye! His body is triangular with the narrowest portion being near the spikes on
his back ... where as my females are rounder, more pear shaped. His tail is
also very high and triangular in shape ... where as the females tails are thick
and more rounded.
We finally arrived home with our
new male at 7:30 pm. We promptly drew him a nice lukewarm bath and took him out
of his pillow case for the first time! Holy Smokes- was he ever big and very
different looking from my females. He was actually a bit intimidating looking
... but when you get to know him he's just a big wus! He'd been packaged up for
about 11.5 hours so we let him have 30 minutes in the tub. Then we let him meet
the females for the first time!
Within half an hour of getting
out of the tub he was mating for the first time in our home (8:30 pm). I guess
the flight and travelling didn't stress him out too much when he saw what was
waiting for him! :)
- Nicknames: Cuppie, Lover Boy, Thunder Dragon (you should
hear him jump around the viv! Makes a lot of noise for 1.5 lb of flesh!), and
of course- Couch Potato!
- Country of
Origin: Unknown but he's definitely WC so probably Vietnam ...
- Age:
Unknown, but probably around 3.5 years (Nov. 97)
- Length: 8.25" svl, 28" stl (He still has about a foot to
grow before attaining a mature male size ... He should be approx. 36" when he's
5 years old).
- Favourite Pastimes:
His number one favourite
thing to do is to try to catch a female and mate with her. Typical! He usually
waits until he's allowed out of the vivarium and then pursues one of the first
females to come out. This seems to give the females a better chance to get away
... but I don't mind that he doesn't harass them inside the vivarium as there
is much more chance of injury if he were to chase them inside the vivarium!
This is Cupids idea of flirting! He uses his tail and front
legs to lift his lower body off the ground ... several times in a row. I wonder
if this is the equivalent of human males showing off their biceps etc..
Other than chasing females his
next favourite thing to do is to hang out ... mainly on the couch! But
sometimes on the cricket bin too! :)
When not eating, sleeping, or pursuing females Cupid can
usually be found in the vivarium in one of his favourite areas ... usually on
the upper shelf with Rogue, The middle branch, or the lower shelf.
Cupid is a big push over ... the girls are all
over him!
Climbing to the lower shelf!
Cupid on the lower shelf ... probably eying one of the
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Last updated
April, 10, 2012
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