Night's Photo

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Knight - In medieval times,
a man formally raised to honourable military rank and pledged to chivalrous
conduct. Night- The period of darkness from sunset to sunrise 2. any
period or condition of darkness or gloom. According to Webster's
Night has just recently passed
away. :( We are very saddened by her passing but happy that she did not suffer
long. She had Leukemia. :(

Vital Statistics
- Name: Night
Night came to me suffering from
a severe case of snout damage/infection and she ended up losing part of her
upper jaw just two weeks after I got her! :(
It took well over a year and a
half, and 4 different antibiotics to control the recurrent infection in her
snout and mouth. She has been extremely healthy for the last 6 months and is
doing well.
- Sex: Female
Night, was originally named Knight. Night
believed for a very long time that she was male- or at least she decided to act
like one for some reason for about a year.
She actually attempted to mate with
my other female dragons on several occasions. No- I am not mistaking aggressive
behaviour for mating behaviour. I now have a male dragon and Night was
exhibiting the exact same mating routines that Cupid does now- crest biting,
mounting, etc. ...
She always looked female to me- but her behaviour had me
fooled for quite a while! I eventually decided she was male since she was
actually mating with my females! (attempting to get them to ovulate? I don't
know) But then ... May ('96) she laid her first clutch of eggs, and that is
when we changed her name to Night. We felt she had left us in darkness
as to her real sex for so long!
- Nicknames: Buddy, Nightola, Lightfoot, Lightning (when
she streaks across the room on her hind legs!) ...
- Country of Origin: Vietnam
- Age: Approximately 4 years old (Nov. '97)
- Length: 6.75 svl,
23.75 stl (she has lost tiny tiny bits of tail over the years ... probably an
inch lost in all), and her body length is smaller than that of my other
females... I think her previous infections over the last two years have stunted
her a little bit. :(
- Favourite pastimes:
Unlike Rogue, Night
is not a big eater ... she likes food but doesn't eat large quantities ...
Perhaps that is because she's a bit vain! She loves looking at herself in the
mirror- well I'm sure she thinks it's another dragon, but it's not uncommon to
find her gazing at the dragon in the stereo cabinet's glass, or the TV.
Cabinets glass door, or even in the bedroom looking at herself in our wardrobe
- Night is a survivor. She
came to us very ill and has been through quite a bit in the 2 and a half years
that we've had her. She's a very strong willed dragon and I love her to pieces!
There have been several periods where I've had to give her special daily care-
ointment on mouth infection, daily injections etc. ... and she and I have
bonded. She has quite a bit of character, gets along well with the other
dragons- in fact you could say that she and Rogue, and she and Forrest are best
buds. In this series of pictures it looks as if Night is tending bar:
Night loves hanging out in her Vivarium. She can
often be found peering out of one of the log shelters I put in there!
The Worlds Longest Dragon! No seriously-
all the dragons love the log shelters and Forrest decided to join Night inside
the log.... Don't you just love this picture? :)
Night smiles when
she's very pleased with herself or when she's feeling safe and happy. She
sticks her tongue out!
- Night is one of our most skittish dragons ... as well as
one of our most friendly ... I know that is ironic but it's true. She doesn't
like being held much, but she's certainly active and curious:
She is always exploring and
I believe she is the only dragon we have that actually plays! She can often be
found doing the dragon circuit repeatedly for an hour or so: On floor in living
room, jumps up onto couch, jumps up onto divider between kitchen and living
room, lands on computer table in kitchen, jumps onto my chair, jumps onto
floor, goes into hallway, examines any newspapers waiting to be taken to the
trash or plastic materials such as cardboard pop containers (I think she likes
the sound of paper and plastic under her), then runs into the living room,
looks around to see if she missed anything and then heads for the couch again
and starts all over...
She is very active and
friendly when she's gravid. She explores the whole apartment and always wants
to be out of her vivarium. She'll often come and visit me on the couch ...
jumping from the ground into my lap and staying there for 10 to 30 minutes at a
time before exploring some more. When she's being friendly she'll often visit
me several times in one evening. She often lays her eggs within two days of
being excessively friendly. It's like she's trying to tell me
Night is definitely a wild dragon though. Being in
the sun gets her very excited!
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