Puff's Photo

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the pictures if you would like to have a better view of each
Puff- n. 1. a short
sudden gust or expulsion of wind, breath, smoke, etc. vi. 1. to blow in
puffs 2. to breathe rapidly 3. to fill or swell (out or up) vt. 1. to
swell; inflate 2. to praise unduly. According to Webster's dictionary ...

Vital Statistics
Puff sadly passed away Wed. April 19th, 2000. One week after
having surgery under a general anesthetic to biopsy a lump on her side. It is
believed that the Gas used during the surgery caused her blood pressure to drop
very low and this caused a decreased blood flow to her kidneys putting her into
acute kidney failure. She put up a good fight but in the end her kidneys
failed. We miss you Puff baby. :(
- Name: Puff (see definition above)
because she always puffed her throat out at the other dragons- particularly her
sister Forrest!
Sex: Female
- Nicknames: Puffy, Your Puffiness,
Poof, Puffy-one Kenobe, when we first got her she was only known as little one
and crazy glue- cause she stuck to us!
Country of Origin:
China, Hong Kong, Captive Bred
- Age: 3 Years old December '97
Length: 7.5' Snout to
vent (svl), 25" Snout to tip of tail (stl)
- Favourite Pastimes:
Hanging out! When she's out of the vivarium she
can be found in plant pots, perched at the top of flimsy broad leafed plants,
in the dragons ficus or hibiscus trees, on top of Forrest's tanks screen lid,
in the window- on the rim! All over the place!
Even on Chair rungs!
- Unfortunately Puff's
willingness to explore has led to injury. :( Last December ('96) She attempted
to jump onto a divider between the kitchen and the living room. Unfortunately I
had a book with a slippery cover on the divider, she landed on it and promptly
slipped backwards somersaulting back down onto the couch and landing badly on
her left hind leg. She dislocated her leg at the hip! :(

- Puff spent three months with
her leg bound up in a splint. We were hoping (so were our vets!) that the
shallow hip socket would heal and that the dislocation would mend. Failing
that, our next hope was that scar tissue would build up in the area and form a
false joint for the leg and make it almost as good as new. We even looked into
major surgery to repair the leg but it was too risky on a smallish lizard. :(

- Puff hated her splint and
would try to bite it off or wiggle out of it. While she was bandaged up we had
to keep her in a large tank with no climbing branches and only a small dish of
water (she couldn't get the bandages wet or they would loosen and come off). As
a result of her discomfort she stopped eating and drinking and we had to force
feed her a slurry of Ensure and crushed insects daily, as well as supplement
her fluid intake. It was horrible for both Puff and ourselves. 3 months of very
specialized care. :( And it didn't work! Her leg is still, and will always be,
dislocated. :(
We eventually
removed the bandages (March 96) and Puff promptly began eating, drinking and
bathing on her own again. We were delighted to see her doing much better. She
was able to move around surprisingly well with her bum leg. She can climb trees
and branches, jump onto furniture, and chase her sister or Cupid around just as
well as she could before the injury ... she just has a very funny gait! Her leg
drags behind her a bit, and her foot is angled backwards a bit ... so we keep
her nails trimmed very well on that back left leg so it doesn't catch on
anything and cause injury. We allow her other three feet to have slightly
longer claws than we do on the other dragons because we want her to be able to
climb well.
- She's doing wonderfully now
and has a filled out healthy appearance. She would be our most perfect looking
dragon if not for her game leg.
Cupid arrived in
June '97 and for about two months Puff thought he was the greatest thing since
white mealworms! She followed him around everywhere, jumping in front of him
and turning to face him, sitting on him ... poor guy ... when he wasn't
interested in mating he used to run from her! The picture above is a typical
pose from the summer of '97 ... Puff was just too much!
Green Water Dragons,
Sailfin Lizards and Basilisks (General Care and Maintenance of Series) by
Philippe De Vosjoli
Basic but detailed information
about the care, diet, and health of green water dragons, sailfin lizards and
Anoles, Basilisks and
Water Dragons : A Complete Pet Care Manual (More Complete Pet Owner's Manuals)
by Richard D. Bartlett, Patricia P. Bartlett (Contributor)
Discussion of the general care of
many species of anole, basilisks and water dragons. Excellent information
regarding enclosures, cage building, and insect care and breeding.
Eat This
Bug : A Guide to Invertebrate Live Foods for Reptiles and Amphibians by Lynn
This book is a guide for owners of
reptiles and amphibians who feed insects and other live foods to their pets.
Advice is offered for selecting , ordering and raising your own supply of live
invertebrate foods. More than a dozen species of live foods are discussed. The
book includes instructions on keeping cultures of insects, and recipes &
diets for insects.
Last updated
Mar, 19, 2010
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