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the pictures if you would like to have a better view of each
Rogue - n. 1. a
scoundrel 2. a mischievous fellow -- roguery, roguish adj. rogues'
gallery a police collection of photographs of criminals. (as defined in
Webster's dictionary)
Hmmmm ... Well, Webster's dictionary
has the description of Rogue mostly correct. She is a scoundrel. She is
mischievous. Sometimes she is a criminal, and gang leader ...
But she is also a
wonderful, entertaining lizard who is just overflowing with personality and
charisma. A lizard with charisma you say!?!? Take a peek at Rogues' Gallery and
decide for yourself. :)
Vital Statistics:
- Name: Rogue
- Sex: Female
- Nicknames: Roguey, Poguey, Bogey,
Booger, Bird ... and sometimes @^%$!@#$! (but only when she's very very bad! :)
 She was only 16" stl
when we first got her in Sept. '95
- Country of origin: Vietnam (wild
- Age: Approximately 3.5 years (as
of Oct. '97)
- Length: snout to vent (svl):
7.75+" snout to tail (stl): 27.25" She's HUGE!
Yes, she is large for
a female but this fish was huge! The Goldfish's body was at least 5" and it
must have been about 7 or 8" in total length!
- Favourite pastimes:
Eating! She loooooooves earthworms and king mealworms! Occasionally eats
crickets, rarely eats pinkies, and will not turn down the offer of waxworms as
a treat. Actually she rarely turns down food at anytime, she even eats while
gravid! She's also been known to leap from high places, or pounce on other
dragons in an attempt to get at FOOD! The other day I was feeding her
earthworms and in her excitement she accidentally bit her own tail! She's also
willing to experiment and try her hand at eating inedible objects- more on that
later. She's big. She's green. She's an eating machine!
 Being the boss, Alpha
dragon, A #1! She tolerates Night and sometimes Cupid in her upper shelf
basking area, but will not allow Forrest or Puff up there at all! She seems to
get a kick out of terrorizing the two younger dragons, and being bossy to the
 Oh, Yeah, She bosses us
around too. Man, She loves her T.V. she's always got the remote and never lets
us watch our shows! :( Silly dragon!
Exploring: She has been found in some mighty
strange places! On a coat hanging from a door handle, in a nut bowl, swimming
across a glass table, hanging out in a nick-knack shelf over the couch, on top
of the air-conditioner, sitting on a large porcelain turtle, and on the stereo
speaker ... and any object she can get to from there such as Forrests 77 gallon
Did I forget to tell you that Rogue is a little bit
- Eating the inedible! We must
be very careful around here not to leave anything that can fit in Rogue or
Forrests mouth laying about! Rogue loves white objects! oatmeal that enters the
viv when crickets are dropped in, white tack covers on one piece of furniture,
the fridge, the stove, the wall, doors, small pieces of paper ... believe me,
if it's white she is attracted to it and will try to taste it!
- Take for
example, the day I walked into the living room to find Rogue happily chewing
on, and swallowing, <gasp!> one of the white ties on her human heating
pad! She had actually swallowed about 1 foot of tie! I don't know what she was
planning to do when she got to the heating pad! I had to carefully pull it out
of her mouth and throat! Yuk! No harm done- Rogue was fine, and the tie was
sopping wet!
- Rogue has also been seen chewing on white electrical cords (note
to all owners- watch your dragons carefully and try to hide potential hazardous
materials from your dragons!), stereo ear phones, large marble eggs, shiny
bolts in door ... plastic plants! you name it, she's tried it! It is not cute
when she does this- it is scary! We are very careful to not leave things out
that might interest her ... but god only knows what she gets into when we are
not watching! Be very careful, watch your dragons carefully, because if your
dragon does eat something that is not digestible (even bark or repti-litter
substrate!) it can become lodged in the intestine and cause a blockage. This is
a very serious medical condition that if left unattended could kill your
Basking and posing
for pictures! Rogue is my model dragon. Almost anytime I see her I feel like
taking a picture of her. She always seems to be posing, the light always seems
to fall on her just so ... She is just so beautiful!

Green Water Dragons,
Sailfin Lizards and Basilisks (General Care and Maintenance of Series) by
Philippe De Vosjoli
Basic but detailed information
about the care, diet, and health of green water dragons, sailfin lizards and
Anoles, Basilisks and
Water Dragons : A Complete Pet Care Manual (More Complete Pet Owner's Manuals)
by Richard D. Bartlett, Patricia P. Bartlett (Contributor)
Discussion of the general care of
many species of anole, basilisks and water dragons. Excellent information
regarding enclosures, cage building, and insect care and breeding.
Eat This
Bug : A Guide to Invertebrate Live Foods for Reptiles and Amphibians by Lynn
This book is a guide for owners of
reptiles and amphibians who feed insects and other live foods to their pets.
Advice is offered for selecting , ordering and raising your own supply of live
invertebrate foods. More than a dozen species of live foods are discussed. The
book includes instructions on keeping cultures of insects, and recipes &
diets for insects.
Last updated
Mar, 19, 2010
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