The Uromastyx Mailing ListUromastyx Lizards are becoming quite popular. As interest grows in the herp field, and with hobbyists, we will likely see an increase in availability of these lizards in pet stores, specialized reptile shops, and with any luck- from captive breeders. When you join the Uromastyx mailing list you will be able to learn more about the care, diet, and the captive environment required by Uromastyx. On this list you will meet many helpful people, share experiences, learn new husbandry methods, and hopefully have an enjoyable time.
HOW TO SUBSCRIBE TO THE LIST:![]() Click to join Uromastyxlist
The first message that you post:
Feel free to post questions to the list about the care of your Uromastyx, or specific questions regarding a problem that you may be having with your lizard(s) (again, give us all the details that you feel are pertinent to your problem so that we can try to help you as quickly as possible.) Posting RULES:This list has members from around the world, with varying backgrounds, interests, and age groups. These people are friendly, helpful, and willing to share information with each other. The occasional argument or disagreement may arise here and there. While differences in opinion are welcome, and often offer a chance to learn a different method of care, I believe that the majority of the list is not interested in off-topic arguments. If you disagree with someone's point of view and feel the issue cannot be resolved on the list in a peaceful manner I would prefer that the disagreement be taken to private email. The majority of subscribers to the list are adults but occasionally we do have younger subscribers. I would like to state now that all postings to the list should not contain foul language. :) Continuous off topic posting or chatter should also be taken to private email! Remember, we are an Uromastyx Discussion list - and the purpose of the list is to help Uromastyx owners learn how to care for their animals properly, offer suggestions, help list members find reptile vets in their area, and to share our experiences with these lovely animals. List members should try to stay on topic when posting to the list. If, by chance, someone sends an off topic post to the list for whatever reason (i.e. non Uromastyx/ sick herp perhaps?), replies to that post should be sent privately to the original poster and not to the list. Thank you! It is always better to take unrelated matters to private mail and thus avoid cluttering up the list mail with too much "off topic" chatter. When replying, a SMALL "quote" of the original letter lets people know what you are replying to - do not repost the entire letter if your answer is relevant only to one or two lines of the original post. Remember some of our members are paying for every minute that they are online so quoting several paragraphs of a letter simply to say "yes I agree" will be frowned upon. Subscribers that abuse the Uromastyx list policy of no foul language, and or involve themselves in nasty arguments or flames on the list will politely be asked to take their discussion to private email. If the person continues to be disruptive to the list after being warned to take it to private email they will then be unsubscribed from the list by the listowner. I have never had to do this as the list is generally peaceful and helpful but I felt that new subscribers should know the list policy.
Email Virus', Chain letters etc.:I would also like to mention that warnings about email virus', chain letters, get rich quick schemes, contests of any kind, and "sick child wants post cards- break world record" posts are not acceptable on this list. Most of these kinds of posts are hoaxes or spams and have no place on the Uromastyx discussion list. Flame wars have broken out in the past over the sending of these kinds of posts. If you come across something that you feel the list should know about, but you aren't really sure if it's a spam or if its real please send a copy of the letter to me before posting it to the list. I will determine if the post is suitable for the list.
Posting in Rich text format, HTML, and sending attachments and Graphics:Many e-mail programs now give posters the ability to send mail in HTML format with colourful backgrounds, web page backgrounds, different fonts, coloured fonts, sound, and even animated graphics. Unfortunately these kinds of posts wreck havoc on a mailing list! HTML format messes up the digest version of the list, and people who are connecting to the Internet and can only get email from UNIX or text based systems either have great trouble reading HTML posts and postings with attachments, or can't open them at all. Please turn off the HTML option when posting to the list. POST ONLY IN PLAIN TEXT WITH NO ATTACHMENTS! If you have trouble turning off the HTML option please write back to me and tell me what email software you are using and I will try to help you with it. :) You can also visit- Posting in Plain text- how to turn off HTML to learn more! This is the reasoning behind not posting in HTML to mailing lists: Many email software packages can now give people the ability to send letters using several different HTML formats such as different fonts, italics, colour backgrounds, fancy lines and bullets, inline pictures, and many of these programs can also send automatic attachments such as v-cards, or winmail.dat attachments. Please do not use any of these fancy new abilities or attachments! All posts to the mailing list must be in plain text with no attachments of any kind such as v-cards, or winmail.dat attachments. A) You must remember that some of our members are using UNIX servers and email programs that only accept text posts (and they can't do a thing to change this fact); B) Several of our members are from Europe or other countries that charge very high telephone and Internet connection rates so the longer it takes them to download their mail the more they end up paying. HTML attachments, v-cards, winmail.dat and pictures only fatten the post and cause more download time for these people.; C) The list members who receive the digest version are also affected by all of the HTML add-ons, v-cards, winmail.dats and any pictures that are sent to the list. As an example, when someone uses HTML in their post with a colour background and perhaps say a couple of different fonts ... ALL of the posts after this one persons post on the digest run together like one HUGE paragraph, and usually in a different font than the rest of the digest is printed in. This makes the digest very hard to read. Winmail.dat attachments cause some of the digest members to not be able to open their version of the digest at all. Therefore they may lose a lot of valuable information from that one digest just because of someone's attachment.
Scanned Photographs:Scanned photo's of your Uromastyx or other pets should NOT be sent directly to the list either. Everyone loves to see other peoples animals, and pictures can help with determining what is wrong with an animal, but the list is not the place to post large pictures. Binary files are usually quite large and can cause quite a few problems with other peoples email retrieval when sent without warning. PLEASE do not send pictures to the list. You may place them in the photo section on the Uromastyx List home page You could also post your pictures to your own web space or create a home page of your own on Geocities or another free home page web site, and then announce that you have posted pictures to the site on the list and those who are interested may visit your site and view the pictures at their leisure.
Full Mailboxes!Check your mail on a regular basis- PLEASE! Not to pick ... but AOL members especially, must have very small mailboxes and if you don't check your mail everyday or two your mailbox can fill up quickly. I also believe that when some people check their mail they leave copies of their mail on the server. Unfortunately even though you are checking your mail, if the mail is still being left on the server you could end up with a full mailbox problem easily enough. The result of a full mailbox is: A) You don't get anymore Uromastyx email or any other mail for that matter until you empty your mailbox, B) The list owner gets an error message for every letter sent to the list that can't get to you because your mailbox is FULL! C) If I, as the listowner, get error messages for more than a week I become quite frustrated as I have no way of contacting you because your mailbox is full ... so all I can do to lessen the amount of error messages that I recessive on a daily basis is to delete the person who hasn't checked their mail for a week or so. Sorry. Waiting a week, with one error message for each letter that doesn't get to a full mailbox results in an awful lot of error messages for me. Waiting a week is quite patient of me if I say so myself, please don't do this to me!)
Water Dragon Books
Basic but detailed information about the care, diet, and health of green water dragons, sailfin lizards and basilisks.
Discussion of the general care of many species of anole, basilisks and water dragons. Excellent information regarding enclosures, cage building, and insect care and breeding.
This book is a guide for owners of reptiles and amphibians who feed insects and other live foods to their pets. Advice is offered for selecting , ordering and raising your own supply of live invertebrate foods. More than a dozen species of live foods are discussed. The book includes instructions on keeping cultures of insects, and recipes & diets for insects. |
Last updated
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