Canadian Reptile
Veterinarian Listing

Dr. Doug Whiteside
Calgary Zoo Animal health Centre 1625 Centre Avenue East Calgary,
Alberta T2E 8K2 (403) 232-9390 For consultation ONLY mailto:dougw@calgaryzoo.ab.ca |
Dr. Irene Phillips
Avenida All-Pet Clinic #607 12445 Lake Fraser Dr. SE Calgary, Alberta
(403) 271-1121 |
Elaine Murphy Britannia
Vet Clinic 1439 Lake Twintree Way SE Calgary, Alberta T2J
2X6 403-253-7044 |
Anne Osher 635 21st Ave
NW Calgary, Alberta T2M 1M2 |
Kerry Korber, Jenni
Bass Calgary Caged Pet Clinic 3118 - 17 Ave S.W.
Calgary, Alberta T3E 0B2 Tel: (403) 240-3577 Fax: (403)
249-8160 |
T. Garrow Lessard Vet
Clinic 6104 172nd St Edmonton, Alberta T6M 1G9
780-481-5678 |
Brent Jackson General
Vet Hospital 11403 143rd St Edmonton, Alberta T5M 1V7
780-454-8691 |
SJ Philips Mills Haven
Vet Clinic 10G Mills Haven Ctr Main Blvd Sherwood Park,
Alberta T8A 3W8 403-464-5755 |
Capilano Animal Clinic (780)
469-0657 Edmonton, Alberta |
Ottwell Animal Clinic (780)
466-1862 Edmonton, Alberta |
Riverbend Vet Clinic 5611
Riverbend Road (780) 437-0039 Edmonton, Alberta |
Park Vet Clinic Sherwood
Park (780) 417-1119 Edmonton, Alberta |

Dr. Hugh Upjohn Eagle
Ridge Animal & Bird Hospital 2599 Runnel Drive Coquitlam,
BC V3E 1S3 (604) 464-3343 |
Barbara Coughlin
Kelowna Vet Hospital 1955 Kent Rd. Kelowna BC V1Y 7S6
604-860-2408 |
Anderson's Animal Hospital
8465 Granville Street Vancouver, B.C. V6P-4Z9 (604)
263-6767 |
Sharon Prus 7380 King
George Hwy Surrey, B.C. V3W 5A5 604-597-7387 |
Dunbar Vet Hospital39th
& Dunbar Vancouver, B.C. V6N 1W6 604-266-5385 |
Harvey-Clark University of British Columbia 6199 S. Campus Rd.
Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1W5 604-822-6283 |
Chris Collis Glenview
Animal Hospital Ltd. 103-3145 Jacklin Rd. Victoria, B.C.
V9B 3Y7 250-478-4075 |
J.D. Rolfe Victoria Vet
Clinic 6-3318 Oak Street Victoria, B.C. 250-475-3336 |
Ken Langelier, DVM Island Veterinary
Hospital 1800 Bowen Road Nanaimo, BC V9S 5W4 Tel : (250)
753-1288 Fax : (250) 753-1218 |
Dr. Andrea
Osborn Central Saanich Animal Hospital (250) 652-4312 Vetcetera
Pet Hospital (250) 361-1287 Hollywood Pet Hospital (250) 370-7734
Victoria BC |
Shelley Breadner, DVM
Breadner Veterinary Services 2126A Keating Cross Road Saanichton, BC
V8M 2A6 ( 250 ) 652-9700 admin@breadnervet.com |
Linda Kaplan, DVM Tri-Lake
Animal Hospital 10564 Powley Court, Lake Country, BC V4V 1V5
250-766-3236 doctor@trilake.ca |

Brandon Hills Vet Clinic
733 17th St Brandon, Manitoba R7A 5A1 204-728-2292 |
Paul Brazzell 222
Waverley St Winnipeg, Manitoba R3M 3L2 204-488-4577 |
Centennial Animal Hospital
2747 Pembina Hwy Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 2H5
204-269-8162 |
Nancy McQuade Winrose
Animal Hospital 534 St Anne's Rd. Winnipeg, Manitoba R2M 3G1
204-254-3150 |
MJ Willard Willard Vet
Hospital 1793 Portage Ave Winnipeg, Manitoba R3J 0E8
204-889-1000 |

TW Larder Appleby Animal
Clinic 545 Appleby St Bathhurst, New Brunswick E2A 3L3
506-547-8984 |
Leslie Jean McGregor
389 York St
Frederickon . E3B 3P6 Phone: (506)
454-2224 Fax: (506) 458-2716 |
Moncton Animal
Clinic Moncton, New Brunswick E1C 2R3 506-857-4271 |

Dr. H. DeZeeuw Sunrise
Animal Hospital 1 Sunrise Ave Mount Pearl, Newfoundland Tel: (709)
368-7981 |

Donald Benoit Parrots
to Ferrets Rockingham Ridge Plaza 30 Farnham Gate Rd
Halifax, N.S. B3M 3W8 902-457-3353 Fax 902-443-4883 |
Ernie Prowse or
Penny Richards Central Nova Animal Hospital Bible Hill, N.S.
(902-893-4331) |
Sunnyview Animal
Hospital 1746 Bedford Highway Bedford, Nova Scotia B4A 1G2
Phone: (902)-835-2223 Fax: (902)-835-8837 sunnyviewvet@eastlink.ca |

There are no known listings for the new territory of Nunavut at
this time. If you know of any reptile vets please feel free to contact me,

Dr. Larry Graham
Preston Animal Clinic 1606 King St E Cambridge N3H 3R7
519-653-7232 |
Dr. Richard Maser Cavan
Hills Veterinary Service 303 Hwy 7 A RR1 Cavan, Ontario L0A
1C0 Tel: (705) 944-5776 |
Dr. Daren C. Auger Alta
Vista Animal Hospital 2616 Bank St Gloucester , K1T 1M9
Ph: (613) 731-6851 Fax: 613-731-2315 |
Dr. Allison Daub Campus
Estates Animal Hospital Guelph, Ontario 519-837-1212 |
Dr. Craig Mosley
Department of Clinical Studies Ontario Veterinary College, University
of Guelph Guelph, Ontario N1G 2W1 (519) 824-4120 x4016
Not presently in clinical practice. Available for
consultation with other veterinarians. |
Dr. Taylor, Dr. Kramer
(intern) University of Guelph Guelph, Ontario, 519
823-8830 |
Dr. Gay Chamberlain c/o
Beardall Animal Hospital 541 Palace Road Kingston, Ontario
K7L 4T6 613-544-6336 |
Dr. Jan P. Osuch
Heritage Veterinary Hospital 200 Lorraine Ave, unit 7 Kitchener,
Ontario N2B 3R3 519-743-9924 |
Dr. Rubin King Animal
Clinic King St London, Ontario |
McCleary Animal
Hospital Mississauga, Ontario |
Ron Mergl Animal
Medical Centre 6838 Morrison St Niagara Falls, L2E 6Z8
905-354-3827 |
Rick Axelson
Links Road Animal & Bird
Clinic 41 The Links Rd North York, Ontario M2P 1T7
Dr. Wolfgang Zenker
Burloak Animal Clinic 3060
Lakeshore Blvd. Oakville, Ontario 905-827-1171 |
Lynnewood Animal
Hospital 30 Thorncliff Pl Ottawa, Ontario K2H 6L2
613-820-0443 |
Dr. Janet Sawyer
Millennium City Veterinary Hospital Pickering, ON L1W 1L7
Tel: (905) 420-9555 Fax: (905) 420-5799 |
Dr. Bonnie Beresford
Rockwood Vet Clinic 179 Main St.S Rockwood, Ontario (519)
856-9002 Tues and Thurs evenings only I've taken my
animals to Dr. Beresford and would not hesitate to personally recommend her.
Dr. Markus Luckwaldt
Amherst Veterinary hospital 3206 Eglinton Ave. east
Scarborough Ont. M1J 2H6 416-261-3322 416-261-4007
Fax: 261-3324 Hrs.MWF 7:30-6:00 TT 7:30-8:00 Sat. 9-4 I've taken my animals to Dr. Luckwaldt and would not hesitate to
personally recommend him. |
Dr. Kent Ackerman Markham
Road Animal Hospital 900 Markham Rd. Scarborough, Ontario
M1H 2Y2 |
Alistair Ker Thorold
Vet Hospital 2-B Sullivan Ave Thorold, Ontario L2V 2X9
905-227-7644 |
Patricia Alderson, DVM Balmoral Park
Veterinary Clinic 955 Cobalt Crescent Thunder Bay, ON P7B
5Z4 Tel: (807) 623-3531 Tel: (807) 626-4400 emergency Tel: (807)
623-7451 emergency Fax: (807) 622-5143 |
Maureen S.J. Newell
Trenton Pet Hospital Riverview Plaza Glen Miller Road, RR#5
Trenton, Ontario K8V 5P8 Tel: (613) 392-6667 Fax: (613)
392-6844 |
Dr. Regan, Petra Burgmann, Dr.
Robin Lane High Park Animal Clinic 3194 Dundas St W.
Toronto, Ontario M6P 2A3 416-763-4200 |
Dr. Tracy Buhrows
Lincoln Village Animal Hospital 370 University Ave East
Waterloo, Ontario (519) 746-7557 |
Dr. Sweetman Downtown
Animal Hospital 1545 Tuscarora Windsor, Ontario N9A 3L4
519-258-9963 |
Waterloo West Animal hospital Dr.
Michele St.Pierre 420 Erb Street West, Unit 6, Waterloo,
Ontario, N2L 6H6 519-747-2020 |

Atlantic Vet College
University of Prince Edward Island Charlottetown, P.E.I. C1A
4P3 902-566-0950 |

Johanne Charron
Hospital Vet Blainville 784 Boul. Labelle Blainville, Quebec
J7C 2K5 514-435-5555 |
Jeane Gauvin Lachine
Vet Clinic 1295 Provost Lachine, Quebec H8S 1N7
514-634-4190 |
Dr Germain Bird &
Exotic Hospital Montreal, Quebec |
Hopital Vet du Nord
9888 Lajeunesse Montreal, Quebec H3L 2E1
541-382-1184 |
Hopital vétérinaire pour
oiseaux et animaux exotiques 6090 Sherbrooke Street West
Montreal, Quebec H4A 1Y1 (514) 486-5258 |
Martin OuelletHochelaga Vet
Cln 8569 Hochelaga Montreal, Quebec H1L 2M2
514-352-6263 |
Dr Tremblay Dr Hamel Dr
Pilotte Birds and exotic animal hospital South shore
5435 chemin Chambly St-Hubert, Québec Canada
450-443-1461 |
Hopital Veterinaire pour
Oiseaux et Animaux Exotiques Rive-Sud 5435 Chemin Chambly
St-Hubert, Qc J3Y 3P2 (450) 443-1461 tel (450) 443-5930
fax |

South Ani Hill Clinic
102 32nd St W Prince Albert, Saskatchewan S6V 7H7
306-764-3011 |
Ambassador Pet Hospital
93 Myrtle Ave Yorkton, Saskatchewan S3N 1P8
306-783-3349 |

Reptiles and
Amphibians: An Explore Your World Handbook by F. Wayne King
Why are some frogs
able to freeze solid and still survive? How can secretions from amphibians
offer scientists clues for treating human ailments? What allows reptiles and
amphibians to regenerate their limbs? Reptiles & Amphibians, an exciting
new Explore Your World handbook, incorporates the Discovery Channel's
unique authoritative approach and acclaimed visuals to answer these and other
questions in a captivating blend of information and entertainment.
Loco for Lizards by Jim
Cherry, James Cherry
This is a real
find. Even if they have zero interest in reptiles, anyone who has curiousity
and a sense of humor would enjoy this little book. The writing style is a
combination of Dennis Miller's sarcasm, Bill Nye the Science Guy's mix of facts
and fun, Monty Python's surrealism, and a pinch of David Sedaris's
self-deprecation. A great airplane or lazy day read. Makes a great stocking
stuffer gift for the readers on my list. Most amazing is this book's artful
blend of solid information, interestingly presented and wacky fun. Great
colorful graphics, too, including paintings by Hieronymous Bosch, Ed Mell,
Maynard Dixon and others. Godzilla makes a couple appearances, as
Eat This Bug : A Guide to Invertebrate Live Foods for Reptiles and Amphibians
by Lynn Davis
This book is a guide for owners of
reptiles and amphibians who feed insects and other live foods to their pets.
Advice is offered for selecting , ordering and raising your own supply of live
invertebrate foods. More than a dozen species of live foods are discussed. The
book includes instructions on keeping cultures of insects, and recipes &
diets for insects.
Feeding Insect Eating
Lizards by Zoffer, David Zoffer
The proper feeding
of lizards is important to their survival in captivity. Diet is one aspect of
lizard keeping that many new lizard owners know little about, and their pets
suffer as a result. This book provides lizard owners with plenty of information
on the diets of insect-eating lizards, including the right feeding
techniques for making sure that their pets get the right
The Guide to Plants for
the Reptile Terrarium by Jerry G. Walls, Maleta M. Walls
If you are thinking
of adding plants to your reptile or amphibians terrarium this book might be of
interest to you!
Terrarium and
Cage Construction and Care by Richard D. Bartlett, Patricia Bartlett, Fredric
L. Frye
Reptile and
amphibian owners add a new dimension to their hobby when they design and build
terraria that simulate the natural habitats of their companion animals. This
book gives directions for a variety of terrarium options. You can build
enclosures in spare rooms, glass tanks, greenhouses, outdoor pools, or
virtually any other available space. With this book's help, you can also
transform your terrarium into a scaled-down replica of desert, rain forest,
semiaquatic, or woodland environment.
The Terrarium: With
Full-Color Photographs (Complete Pet Owner's Manual) by Harald Jes, Johann
Here are detailed
instructions for constructing both indoor and outdoor terrariums in different
sizes to fit different needs. Books in the Complete Pet Owner's Manuals series
present basic information for new or soon-to-be owners. Advice and instruction
covers feeding, housing, health care, training, grooming, and much more. Texts
emphasize pet care basics and are easy for all readers to understand. All books
in this series are filled with high quality full-color photos and instructive
line drawings.
The Complete Idiot's
Guide to Reptiles and Amphibians (Palika)
This book presents
the most comprehensive information on every aspect of the subject in an
easily-accessible, quick, fun format. 75 photos and drawings. 8-page colour
insert. An excellent introduction to the various species. An inexpensive book
for those who aren't sure which reptile is right for them.
Exotic Animal
Formulary by Carpenter, Ted Yo Mashima, David J. Rupiper
The 2nd Ed of this
very popular pocket guide provides quick, convenient access to essential
pharmacology information. Fully updated, it presents the latest medication and
dosages for fish, reptiles, birds, rodents, amphibians, primates and other
exotic species. What's more, appendices offer biologic and physiologic norms,
antibiotic classifications and indications and conversion table.
Veterinary Drug Handbook
(Pocket Edition) by Donald C. Plumb
This indispensable
reference provides comprehensive coverage of drugs approved for use in
veterinary species as well as non-approved (human) drugs used in veterinary
practice. Veterinary Drug Handbooks's one-volume comprehensive coverage of the
systemic drugs used in veterinary medicine and an extensive appendix makes it
an essential tool for veterinarians, veterinary students, pharmacists,
veterinary and laboratory animal technicians, animal research facilities,
animal researchers, animal...
Reptile Medicine and
Surgery by Douglas R. Mader (Editor), Geoff Stein (Illustrator)
Without a doubt, of all the
herpetological veterinary resources, this is the best one available. This book
is laid out so information may be quickly and easily extracted. Reptile
Medicine and Surgery is a must have for any veterinarian who treats reptiles or
serious reptile keeper.
Common Reptile Diseases
and Treatment
This concise handbook includes
individual chapters devoted to diseases of the most popular reptilian pets and
treatment protocols for common diseases and disorders. Also offers information
on starting a reptile-oriented veterinary practice.
Reptile & Amphibian
Parasites by Eric M. Rundquist
Loaded with good
information and practical, sensible, easy-to-apply advice. Great for beginners,
but even the pros can learn a lot from them.
Understanding Reptile Parasites : A Basic Manual for Herpetoculturists &
Veterinarians by Roger Klingenberg
An important manual
for the reptile breeder. This manual takes the reptile owner beyond the simple
task of care into the subject of why to prevent and how to treat parasites in
our reptiles. The manual explains in simple terms the complexities of reptile
parasites. It goes into the how-to of fecal floats, parasite identification and
treatments. It takes the mystery out of the vet's back room. One of the
shortest yet most useful chapters is "Hygiene and the Herpetoculturist". An
important read for all reptile keepers and breeders.
Reptile &
the Amphibian Problem Solver: Practical & Expert Advice on Keeping Snakes
& Lizards by Robert Davies, Valerie Davies
The popularity of
reptiles and amphibians as pets has increased rapidly throughout the world,
with many advances in knowledge regarding the care and breeding in captivity of
these species. The Reptile and Amphibian Problem Solver gives specific
information on the care of more than 100 species, including lizards, snakes,
turtles, tortoises, frogs, toads, newts, and salamanders. The authors also
provide clear and effective solutions to more than 450 of the most common
Green Water Dragons,
Sailfin Lizards and Basilisks (General Care and Maintenance of Series) by
Philippe De Vosjoli
Basic but detailed information
about the care, diet, and health of green water dragons, sailfin lizards and
Anoles, Basilisks and
Water Dragons : A Complete Pet Care Manual (More Complete Pet Owner's Manuals)
by Richard D. Bartlett, Patricia P. Bartlett (Contributor)
Discussion of the general care of
many species of anole, basilisks and water dragons. Excellent information
regarding enclosures, cage building, and insect care and breeding.
Last updated
April, 10, 2012
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