Basic Frog Care
Terrestrial FrogsAFRICAN BULLFROG Pyxicephalus adspersus
BUDGETTS FROG lepidobatrachus laevis; L iianesis; L. asper
CANYON TREE FROG Hyla areniclolor
CARPENTER FROG Rana vingatipes
CASCADE FROG Rana livida
Cuban Tree Frog Osteopilus septentrionalis
Green frog Rana clamitans
Leopard Frog Rana pipiens
MANTELLAMantella aurantiaca, M. madagascariensis, M. laevigata, M. viridis, M. crocea, M. expectata, M. betsileo, M. cowani
Ornate Horned Frog Ceratoprys ornata(also known as ornate, pacman, or Bell)
Oriental Firebellied frog Bombina orientalis
Poison Arrow FrogsDendrobatidae Species (d. aromobates, d. colostethus, d. dendrobates, d. epipeodobates, d. minyobates...)
TOMATO FROGDyscophus antongili, D. insularis, D. quineti
WOOD FROG Rana sylvatica
Aquatic FrogsAFRICAN CLAWED FROG Xenopus laevis
AFRICAN DWARF FROG hymenochirus boettgeri
AMERICAN BULLFROG Rana catesbeiana
Arboreal FrogsBARKING TREE FROG Hyla gratiosa
GRAY TREE FROG Hyla versicolor
Green tree frog Hyla cinerea
Red eyed tree frog Agalychris callidryas
WHITE LIPPED TREE FROG Litoria infrafenata
Whites Tree Frog Litoria caerulea
Frog / Amphibian Books!
Why are some frogs able to freeze solid and still survive? How can secretions from amphibians offer scientists clues for treating human ailments? What allows reptiles and amphibians to regenerate their limbs? Reptiles & Amphibians, an exciting new Explore Your World™ handbook, incorporates the Discovery Channel's unique authoritative approach and acclaimed visuals to answer these and other questions in a captivating blend of information and entertainment.
This book is a guide for owners of reptiles and amphibians who feed insects and other live foods to their pets. Advice is offered for selecting , ordering and raising your own supply of live invertebrate foods. More than a dozen species of live foods are discussed. The book includes instructions on keeping cultures of insects, and recipes & diets for insects.
The proper feeding of lizards is important to their survival in captivity. Diet is one aspect of lizard keeping that many new lizard owners know little about, and their pets suffer as a result. This book provides lizard owners with plenty of information on the diets of insect-eating lizards, including the right feeding techniques for making sure that their pets get the right nutrients.
If you are thinking of adding plants to your reptile or amphibians terrarium this book might be of interest to you!
Reptile and amphibian owners add a new dimension to their hobby when they design and build terraria that simulate the natural habitats of their companion animals. This book gives directions for a variety of terrarium options. You can build enclosures in spare rooms, glass tanks, greenhouses, outdoor pools, or virtually any other available space. With this book's help, you can also transform your terrarium into a scaled-down replica of desert, rain forest, semiaquatic, or woodland environment.
Here are detailed instructions for constructing both indoor and outdoor terrariums in different sizes to fit different needs. Books in the Complete Pet Owner's Manuals series present basic information for new or soon-to-be owners. Advice and instruction covers feeding, housing, health care, training, grooming, and much more. Texts emphasize pet care basics and are easy for all readers to understand. All books in this series are filled with high quality full-color photos and instructive line drawings.
This book presents the most comprehensive information on every aspect of the subject in an easily-accessible, quick, fun format. 75 photos and drawings. 8-page colour insert. An excellent introduction to the various species. An inexpensive book for those who aren't sure which reptile is right for them.
The popularity of reptiles and amphibians as pets has increased rapidly throughout the world, with many advances in knowledge regarding the care and breeding in captivity of these species. The Reptile and Amphibian Problem Solver gives specific information on the care of more than 100 species, including lizards, snakes, turtles, tortoises, frogs, toads, newts, and salamanders. The authors also provide clear and effective solutions to more than 450 of the most common problems. Reptile & Amphibian Parasites by Eric M. Rundquist
Loaded with good information and practical, sensible, easy-to-apply advice. Great for beginners, but even the pros can learn a lot from them.
An important manual for the reptile breeder. This manual takes the reptile owner beyond the simple task of care into the subject of why to prevent and how to treat parasites in our reptiles. The manual explains in simple terms the complexities of reptile parasites. It goes into the how-to of fecal floats, parasite identification and treatments. It takes the mystery out of the vet's back room. One of the shortest yet most useful chapters is "Hygiene and the Herpetoculturist". An important read for all reptile keepers and breeders. The Guide to Owning Frogs by Jerry G. Walls
This book is great for the beginner frogger, the experienced frogger, and everyone in between. Very informative, easy to understand, and written with the person who needs a quick reference in mind!
This book offers descriptive information on many species of anurans. Wonderful photography. Needs more captive care information.
This book is written by experienced and recognized frog herpetoculturists and focuses on the care of popular tree frogs now sold in significant numbers. It covers many important topics that are required knowledge for successful keeping. Acclimatizing imported species, housing, feeding and captive breeding are included. A practical manual for the serious hobbyist.
Information relating to Litoria caerulea . Great Photography.
All areas of captive husbandry are covered in this booklet.
These tropical frogs require special attention regarding diet and protection against parasites. All aspects of animal care and maintenance are discussed in this fact-filled volume. Books in the Reptile Keeper's Guide series present basic information on reptiles and amphibians, and clear instructions on their care. Each book includes general information on the subject animal's natural history, distribution in the wild, life expectancy, and physical characteristics. Practical information includes purchasing a good specimen, determining sex, providing correct caging and feeding, health care, and advice for those who want to try breeding. Each book has 50-to-75 full-color photos, line art, bibliography, and an index.
Argentine and Chacoan horned frogs currently bred by the thousands annually are some of the most popular of the amphibians. Ease of care, hardiness and a caricatural appearance make them one of the best beginner amphibian species. The author, one of the pioneers in the breeding of these frogs, presents in detail their housing, maintenance and most common diseases. Includes an overview of the care and breeding of other horned frog species.
This book is packed with useful information about keeping and breeding poison dart frogs. There is extensive information about setting up the terrarium, including appropriate plant selections, food sources and their breeding, and care and breeding of the frogs themselves. Exquisite photography.
Amphibian Medicine and Captive Husbandry is designed to introduce veterinary practitioners to the diagnosis and treatment of disease in captive amphibians. Although designed for the veterinary clinician, this text is an essential part of any herpetologist's library, covering various aspects of amphibian captive husbandry and propagation while providing a firm foundation that enables the reader to evaluate a given husbandry routine.
The popularity of exotic pets is soaring, including the number of homes with frogs, toads and salamanders. These fascinating but delicate creatures have special dietary and housing needs--this book covers all the care issues for the most widely-kept species. Filled with over 100 eye-popping photographs of colourful amphibians from around the world, this book will be a must-have for lovers of exotic animals.
This fine book helps us to appreciate amphibians more fully and provides vital scientific information that may help us to protect them. This is a book for all readers who want to learn about amphibians, the animal group that includes frogs, toads, salamanders, and caecilians. Amphibia, the animal group that includes frogs, toads, salamanders, and caecilians, contains more than 4,500 known living species and new ones are being discovered continuously. This book focuses on the natural history of amphibians worldwide, how interaction with their environment over time has affected their evolutionary processes and what factors will determine their destinies.
Reviews Booknews, Inc. , June 1, 1994 A paper reprint of the now pre-eminent 1986 graduate and advanced undergraduate textbook, which is also widely used as a reference by amateur and professional biologists. Covers all aspects of amphibian biology, including life history, ecology, morphology, and evolution. Well illustrated. Annotation copyright Book News, Inc. Portland, Or. About these mini care sheetsThe following mini care sheets are meant to provide only basic care information. In order to provide the most accurate and up to date data I searched for and cross referenced information about the following herps on the Internet, through herp magazines, and through specific herp care books. If you come across information that is inaccurate or out of date please write to me with the correct information. I do not personally keep amphibians. I receive many letters asking me for advice or to help identify the particular amphibian that they have found. To tell you the truth- I probably wont be that much help other than with basic, general care guidelines, most of which can be found on this page. :) If you need help identifying an amphibian- either take it in to a reptile store where the staff may be helpful, call your local herpetological society, or look through a book that contains many pictures of different reptiles and amphibians and see if you can identify it in the book. :) You might also think about joining one of the many reptile or amphibian related mailing lists that are on the net, where you can ask questions about your reptile or amphibian and learn more about it. To see if there is a mailing list for the reptile or amphibian that you want to know more about please go to my mailing list page and check out all the herp lists! You might also want to visit my Reptile and Amphibian Care Sheets page to see if I have listed any links to specific reptile or amphibian sites that you might be interested in visiting. In addition to providing the basics of care as listed below, any new animal in your collection should be kept in a separate enclosure (quarantined) for one to six months and monitored for illness, mites or ticks, internal parasites, and treated accordingly during this period. Please take your new herps to a qualified reptile vet for a check-up when you purchase them - or, at the very least have a fresh stool sample tested for parasites in the first week or two of having your new pet. If you don't know of a reptile vet in your area you can visit Melissa Kaplan's Herp Societies/Vets Page: for Canadian Reptile vet listings. |
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