For more information on diet and
about this salad please visit
Melissa Kaplans Iguana Care
Here is a description and recipe of a typical
daily diet for the green iguana.
Iguana's are herbivores and as such should
have a diet consisting of leafy greens, vegetables and some fruit items that
all have a good calcium to phosphorus balance. Please feel free to copy this
salad recipe!
This salad, or recipe is
virtually the same as what you will find
on Melissa Kaplan's Iguana care pages, except that her pages go into a lot more
detail about the nutrients. Therefore, you really should make a point to visit
Melissa Kaplans Iguana Care
pages! This is only meant as something that will get you and your iguana
off to a good start. :)
- 1 orange squash (Winter squash as in pepper, butter,
pumpkin ...)
quartered, heated slightly in
the microwave to soften the skin. Then the skin is peeled off, and the squash
is shredded into fine pieces in my food processor. It looks a bit like shredded
cheese when I'm done.
sweet potato may be substituted
here on occasion
- 2 large parsnips
(looks like a white carrot!)-
shredded as above.
- Perhaps one large carrot
now and then mixed in to added
beta carotene- (and some colour to his diet!) shredded as above. Carrots are
high in oxalates and should not be used on a regular basis.
- 1/2 of a plastic veggie bag of fresh green beans
(you know- the kind they have
in grocery stores to put your selection of veggies or fruit in) This is about 3
cups of green beans. Finely chopped in the food processor or steel
- 1 cup of alfalfa pellets
mix in with already chopped or
shredded veggies
- 10 - 12 fresh or reconstituted dried figs
Scoop some of the seeds out as
they can impact an iguana. Figs are very high in calcium! Chop figs finely and
mix into salad ingredients.
- 1 large cantaloupe
halved or quartered with the
seeds scooped out. chop finely ... try to get as much of the cantaloupe juice
into the salad as possible as well as this will add vital moisture to the
Raspberries, papaya,
honeydew melon, and or strawberries may be substituted for the cantaloupe
on occasion. Cantaloupe and raspberries have quite good calcium to phosphorus
ratios for fruit.
- Mix all of the above ingredients together. The salad should be
moist- not too dry ...
- I then get out several plastic sandwich bags and put daily
portions of salad for Napoleon in each baggy. I then place all of these baggies
into large freezer bags and place them in the freezer.
- Each evening I take out a frozen portion of the salad and place
it in the fridge to thaw.
- Each morning I make Napoleons food:
- I chop some collard greens (about two leaves) into
small pieces. Each piece is about half the size of his head or smaller. I will
occasionally use mustard or dandelion greens as his leafy veggie as
collard, mustard and dandelion greens all have a fairly good calcium to
phosphorus ratio ... and rarely kale or escarole.
- I never use any type of lettuce as it has
absolutely no nutritional value- none what so ever!
- I then mix his daily portion of the above salad, and the
leaves together in his food dish.
- Once a week you can add a very small amount of powdered
multivitamin to the daily salad. Mix the vitamins in well. Vitamins made
specifically for reptiles, birds or even some human vitamins such as Centrum
(ground in coffee grinder to make a fine powder) may be used but please read
the labels on whatever vitamin that you might choose to use. Heavy metals such
as iron, zinc and even copper are often added to multivitamin mixtures and if
the vitamins are overused or are used on a long term basis they could cause
iron and zinc toxicity.
My iguana was just
diagnosed yesterday (Nov, 12th, 99) with extremely high iron levels and high
zinc levels in his system. Whether this is due to overuse of vitamins or
whether he is sensitive to iron and zinc in general I don't know. We aren't
even 100% that vitamin supplementation is the cause but it certainly seems to
be the most likely suspect at this point. So please, as a word of caution, be
careful of how much vitamins you actually give to your iguana, and it might be
wise to purchase iron-free multivitamins.
- Then I add some Vitamin B1 or Brewers yeast
(thiamine). Vitamin B1 from the pharmacy might actually be better to use than
Brewers yeast because the Brewers yeast might have additives in that your
iguana does not need. I add the vitamin B1 powder because I freeze my salad and
I take out a portion of what I need for Napoleon each day. When fresh veggies
and fruit are frozen the vitamin thiamine can degrade and foods served to
animals that have little or no thiamine in them can cause deficiencies of this
important vitamin.
- Then I sprinkle some powdered calcium onto his
- I mix his food together one more time so he doesn't have
powdered vitamin and calcium sitting on the top of his food.
- Then I serve him his salad which he usually eagerly eats at
least half of, and picks at the rest throughout the day.
- If he has eaten all of his food by the time I come home
from work I will often either give him another portion of salad, or perhaps
just some leafy greens as a treat.
He loves
his salad!

Back to Napoleon the Iguana's Home page
Iguana Books
Iguanas for Dummies
By Melissa Kaplan!!!! 384 pages of
in depth iguana care information. So, you wanna iguana. Or you already have
one. Now what? This fun and friendly guide gives you expert advice on selecting
an iguana and taking care of your fascinating pet throughout its life. It
provides valuable tips on diet, habitat, health, and other important iguana
Green Iguana; The
Ultimate Owner's Manual by James W., III Hatfield
The best book on green iguanas to
come along in years. Information on diet, housing, and health, wonderful
insights into iguana psychology and iguana-human interaction. The definitive
work on management, care and personality traits of green iguanas in captivity.
If you own a green iguana or if you are thinking of getting one, you should buy
this book.
The Green Iguana Manual by Philippe De Vosjoli
Basic information about the care of
the Green Iguana. Outdated nutritional information.
The Iguana : An Owner's Guide to a Happy Healthy Pet by Karen Rosenthal
Up-to-date reptile information and
ownership instruction. The Iguana covers everything from selecting an ectotherm
and understanding its environmental needs to discussions on behaviour and a
glossary of relevant terminology.
Iguana Iguana : Guide
for Successful Captive Care by Fredric L. Frye
A new and expanded edition, devoted
exclusively to the green iguana, based on the author's previous publication,
Iguanas: A Guide to their Biology and Captive Care. Includes b&w;
illustrations and 24 pages of colour plates. Annotation copyright Book News,
Inc. Portland, Or.

Last updated
Mar, 19, 2010
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